Maak kennis met Bozhidar

Universiteit Twente

I studied Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente (BSc and MSc) and I am also experienced with programming and data science. While I was studying I worked consistently as a teacher and teaching assistant, and I always enjoy helping students with their course material. I am looking to tutor someone for a few hours a week next to my job.


Cijfer: 8

Cijfer: 8

Cijfer: 8

Over Bozhidar

As someone who studied mathematics, I have an in-depth understanding of the concepts and I can adapt my explanations to the level of my students. I’ve taught/helped students doing a foundation year for university, as well as engineering students and even mathematics students. I like to first go over the whole material quickly to find out where the student’s weak points are, then prepare lessons accordingly. I find the best way to learn is through practicing on exercises, which I can pick out and help with.

I also have experience tutoring for programming and I would love to do more of that.

  • Uurtarief: 30.00
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  • Fysiek
  • Online
Tip: Chat met meerdere tutoren voor het snelste resultaat en ontvang email bij reactie.
  • Betaal voor of achteraf
  • Niet de juiste tutor? Wij zorgen voor een alternatieve oplossing
  • Tutoren nemen gemiddeld binnen 6 uur contact met je op
  • Samen bijles volgen? Iedere extra deelnemer ontvangt 40% korting


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